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Just Little Ole Me

Hey Guys and Gals
Momma Bear here with a Daily Dash of Life!

I am a mother of 4, just trying to help them become the best version of themselves and enjoy life together in the process. Being a wife and a mother, I wear many hats. I am a student of God and of life, as well as a cook, a housekeeper, a nurse, a teacher, and a shoulder to cry on. I've had a passion for crochet, photography, and cooking since childhood. I always knew I would enjoy motherhood and my cubs have made my dreams

come true. They are an extension of my love for my husband. I would like to inspire people through my life experiences in parenting, cooking, crafting, and homeschooling. I am not an expert by any means, and I don't claim to be. It is my belief that we can all benefit from one another's life experiences. Therefore, I am sharing mine, to help make things easier for the next person.

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